<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1059590667558673&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">
Step 1:

Watch the Overview Video

Please be sure to watch the video above first.

We do understand the video is long.
You'll want to skip the video and book a call without watching it. However, it's not going to be a great relationship if we spend our 1:1 time addressing things previously covered.

Step 2: 

Let's Discuss Your Needs & Goals

Let's make sure that this Growth Group is a fit.

This call is about identifying two things: 

  • What is holding you back from the results you want?
  • Does our program specifically fill that gap to accomplish your goal?

Bring any other questions you have and we'll discuss those too.

At the end of the call, we'll ask you if you want to join or not. So please bring all questions or stakeholders that will be part of that decision.
